Pretty substantial victory for Barack. Of course, Hillary had a big night in Kentucky, where she beat him by a 2-to-1 margin. Barack may have problems in Appalachia, but here in Oregon he's doing just fine.

Merkley wins out in a close race. I voted for Merkley because I feel he has the best chance of unseating spineless Gordon Smith in November. Apparently, Gordie agrees with me. He has been running negative television ads against Merkley during the primary. Also, I noticed Gordie took out a full page ad in the Oregonian today, headlined "Democrats for Smith." Can you hear the footsteps, Gordie? Ironically, although I don't regret my vote, I learned a lot about
Steve Novick after I had cast it. And I have come to like Novick quite a bit. I hope we'll see him again.

Earl won big, although I have been unable to find the percentages. He beat out two opponents: John Sweeney and Joseph Walsh. Earl faces Republican Delia Lopez, a real estate investor, in the fall. It's hard to imagine that he'll have much trouble holding his seat.

Kate Brown, a juvenile law attorney, wins and goes on to face Repulican Rick Dancer, a television anchorman from Eugene. Kate had help from the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund and from public unions. If the current national trends have any bearing on this race, Kate should be the favorite against Dancer.
Here's one that I would have liked to go the other way. John Kroger ran a lot of ads on television and made himself more visible than Greg Macpherson. Kroger ran a "tough on crime" campaign and, of course, no one can complain about that. But, as my neighbor, Mac Prichard, pointed out, enforcing the law is only one aspect of the Attorney General's duties. Let's hope Kroger will remember that he must also be an advocate for the State of Oregon in Federal Court, along with the myriad other things that a good Attorney General must do. Kroger seems likely to win in the fall election since the Republicans haven't even managed to field a candidate.

Jules, my one-street-over neighbor wins the nomination. This also means that, barring some unlikely event, he will win the seat as well. The Republicans have not fielded a candidate, and there is really no reason they should. The district covers Southeast Portland where Republicans are about as popular as pinkeye.

Since no one got 50+% of the vote, there will be a runoff between Amanda Fritz and Charles Lewis. Given that Lewis barely eked out a second-place finish, one would have to imagine that Amanda is the favorite.

Voters were not ambiguous here. Nick Fish is in.

Randy Leonard got nearly three-quarters of the vote, beating out three challengers.

Robert won a second term, beating out college student Cole Miller. Robert said he hoped voters chose him because he was "known quality." He went on to say, "I've been pretty clear and consistent, and not tried to straddle a lot of issues." Well, that is a refreshing approach for a politician nowadays.

Well, Deborah Kafoury won easily. She's the former Oregon House Democratic leader, so she's experienced. And she's progressive enough to win in Multnomah County (and my vote). Let's see how she does...

Sam Adams gets the nod, in a convincing manner, winning by enough of a margin as to render a runoff unnecessary. Sam Adams becomes the first openly gay mayor of Portland. I think it speaks very positively about Portland that Sam's sexual orientation was not an issue in the race. (I didn't even know he was gay until after the election.) He has experience, having been Mayor Vera Katz's chief of staff for 11 years. Good on ya, Sam.
It feels very strange, being on the winning side of so many elections, after 7 cruel years of Republican dominance. All in all, I'm pretty happy with the results. Now, on to November, where we can give the Republicans a right and proper beating!
When it comes to Obama, I wish NY acted more like Oregon.
You called it on Obama brother. Thanks for this roundup. I have been away long enough to need a refresher on what happened in OR.
By the way, I just read a Guardian report that says:
"A Texas appellate court has ruled that child welfare officials had no right to seize more than 400 children living at a polygamous sect's west Texas ranch.
The Third Court of Appeals in Austin ruled that the grounds for removing the children were "legally and factually insufficient" under Texas law. They did not immediately order the return of the children."
I thought about your post when I read this.
See short article here: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=119906447472922361&postID=8609489229169880192
Peace brother Dade!
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