Monday, January 16, 2012

A note about this blog

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, people who live under materially and emotionally plentiful conditions (we lucky few) have a need to express themselves creatively.  Some cook; some perform music; some work with stone or wood. I write.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Creative expression creates vulnerability and I have, on occasion, been bruised by comments either made privately or left on this blog.  (The ugly, rabid comments that come from close-minded bigots bother me not a whit.  Those are good for a laugh.) 

But the gamble has paid out.  Because, far outweighing any hurt feelings, is the gratitude and love and humility I've experienced. 

I started this blog four and a half years ago.  Its primary function was (and is) to provide a forum for me to write.  But there is sublime pleasure in discovering that people enjoy my words. 

I've said all this before, but it bears repeating:  I am deeply honored.  Deeply.



  1. A writer writes. I hope to reach that point soon.

  2. Dade,  Thank you for sharing your thoughts & feelings. I admire your courage. Your words frequently resonate with thought & feelings within me and I appreciate having these brought to my attention. Thanks again :-)


Say what you will.