Sunday, January 16, 2011

Conservatives: A sincere apology and a friendly wager

The eulogy that President Obama delivered on Wednesday in response to the tragedy in Tucson last week was nothing short of Lincolnesque.  Were I to return to this earthly plane some 100 years from now, I would not be surprised to find this speech among the Great American masterpieces of rhetoric, alongside the Gettysburg Address.  (Stay with me, my conservative friends.)

The President's remarks were so apt for the occasion, and his call for greater respect and civility so compelling that I am determined not to resort to the ugliness and name-calling that has for so long marred the public discourse. The President showed great leadership and I, being a patriotic American (I don't use that appellation to describe myself often), vow to do my part going forward.

So, I’ve got an apology to make to any conservatives that might read this, for all the mean things I’ve said in the past.  I have many, many dear friends and family members who consider themselves conservatives.  Were I denied their love and friendship due to my own cruel words, my heart would be forever broken.

My friends, I apologize. 

And I want to make a mild challenge and a friendly wager with any conservatives who might read this blog:
  1. Read (or better yet, listen to) President Obama’s entire speech on the Tucson tragedy. I have it posted at this site:

  2. If you can find even a single statement, anywhere in the speech, that you find objectionable, I owe you one item on the menu at Peet’s Coffee, on the corner of SE 37th and Hawthorne, in Portland, Oregon, redeemable whenever you find yourself in my neighborhood.
Is that fair?


  1. I'm one of your conservative friends who respect all your eloquent words of wisdom. I won’t challenge you on Obama’s speech. I too thought it was very good. And when it’s good, it’s good no matter which side you lean to.

  2. It was indeed the best speech that I have ever heard the man give.

    Was it on par with Lincolns' Gettysburg Address? I don't believe so. Nonetheless, he was correct that this horrific attack was an asault on ALL Americans. It most certainly is condemned by all rational and law abiding citizens.

  3. I was actually not that impressed with the speech. It wasn't a bad speech but there wasn't anything in there that I found inspiring. Personally I would have been more impressed with no speech at all. Then again what he said in the speech is basically what my view has been all along.


Say what you will.