Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Vacation pix 2012

Beach at Crescent City, California
This morning finds me in the lobby of a motel in Crescent City, California, speculating on the wonders that await Maty and I in Redwoods National Park.  We've been trekking down along the Pacific Coast, enjoying the scenery in spite of the mist and rain.

Which brings to mind the time when I was in Munich and I encountered an Australian busker strumming a guitar and singing in the arcade of a government building:

"Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you..."

Mist-shrouded Oregon beach
We took our time driving south from Lincoln City, right along Highway 101.  I'd determined that we would pull over at every attractive highway-side viewpoint so I could snap photos.  But if we'd adhered to that ambitious plan, we'd still be on the road, now.  Twenty-four hours later.  

There's too much beauty to absorb.  As hard as I found it to be, I forced myself to pass by pull-outs where I saw motorists standing at the guard rails, pointing out to sea. 

Cliff dwellers
Maty is not what one would generally consider to be an outdoor enthusiast.  (I think it's an African thing.)  I was concerned that she might become wearied, what with me pulling the car over every 20 minutes or so.

Coastal traffic

All such fears were laid to rest when we came upon the imposing rocks on the shore near Brookings.

Coastal rocks
Ramadan having commenced, her faith is very much on her mind.  Quoth she:  "How great is God, to have made these rocks?"

No answer, of course.  It's a rhetorical question if ever there was one.

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