Got caught in it today |
Anyone who has lived any length of time in western Oregon will tell you that the weather here at this time of year is unpredictable. Pacifica is temperamental in her moods. Sunshine one moment, furious downpour the next. I got caught in it halfway up Tabor this afternoon.
Are you having a nice drink, young one? |
It seems a happy time for the young oak on top. Someone, some human, found an empty bird's nest and placed it in the young limbs at shoulder height. There were no takers, nor does it seem likely that there will be this late in the spring. Hard to believe any nesting bird could find the site attractive, in any case. But it is proof positive that there are others in the community that care about the sapling oak. He, the oak, is a gift we will pass on to the people who will live here in the centuries to come. He'll have many residents over the decades.
No takers, alas. |
Cielo muy azul |
"Hey, man," I told him, "you could play here all summer and that'd be just fine with me."
He smiled from behind his long, wind-lashed locks. "Well, I'm going to, so--"
I bought him a coffee from Peet's. Support your local busker.
Martin, the cellist |
Things are shaping up for a good summer. Can you feel it? I can feel it. We're in for good times, methinks.
I specifically looked for, and found, the oak when I was there. Have a great summer. Down here I'm looking forward to a proper thunderstorm the like of which Pacifica doesn't produce.