Monday, April 16, 2012

Anarchy in the underpass

Havin' a snooze in March
Some homeless folks have set up camp on the south side of Powell Boulevard in the railway underpass between 16th and 18th.  They've been there for a while now, tucked up in the walkway between the chain link fence and the concrete wall, about 10 feet above the street.  It's a noisy place.  Powell is a busy thoroughfare and the noise of the traffic is amplified by the concrete.  But at least it is dry, I suppose.

Back in March, as I walked through, camera in hand, a toothless old crone angrily informed me that it was illegal to take her picture.  She shook out a dusty sleeping bag as she spoke.
A common enough sentiment, I warrant
About a month later, when next I passed through, someone (the old crone seems an unlikely suspect) had scrawled graffiti of a political bent on the walls.  No one was "home" at the time.  But the gear piled against the concrete indicated that folks would be back shortly.

Urban campsite
The black crayon scrawls had a distinctly anarchic flavor --leading me to wonder if these are perhaps diaspora from the Occupy protest last year.

Angry Occupiers?
There were plenty of homeless folks in Lownsdale Park at the height of the protest and they all went somewhere.

I find it interesting that Occupy slogans are still floating around on the street.

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