Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Atop Tabor's crown
I found evidence to prove
There is witchery up there
On that dead mountain.

A ring of round stones
A perfect circle forméd;
Broken boughs at such angles
Drew a pentagram.

The epic center
With four rounded stones was set;
Black charring at the nexus
Spoke of sacrifice.

Soft whispers betrayed
Fleeting shadows in the folds,
Witches with hidden faces...
I fled before dark.


  1. GrayWolf of P.A.C.T. CovenApril 1, 2011 at 4:47 PM

    I believe Lycieum of the Trees built the circle. I may be wrong, two of the local Druid circles use Tabor ocassionally. It's April first so there will be candles lit tonight. Hope you had a happy Oestra Dade, nice poem.


Say what you will.