The Democrats are in Denver this week, throwing their nominating party.
Amid all the raving about the success of Michelle Obama's speech and the triumph of Senator Kennedy's thunderous address, I find myself feeling rather dissatisfied. Yes, Ms. Obama's speech was a success; and, yes, I suppose it was necessary to put her out there so that Republican fear-mongers don't have a free hand to define her as an angry black militant. And, yes, I admire Senator Kennedy and wish the best for him in his struggle with cancer.
But with all the talk about division within the Democratic party between Obama supporters and Hillary supporters, this is not the way to unite the various factions. You unite them by putting up President Junior's monkey face and beating it to a rhetorical pulp!
If there is any one thing that all Democrats have in common this year, it is a deep and abiding loathing of Junior Bush and everyone associated with him. In fact, Hillary's sometime cooperation with the administration may, in the end, be the reason she was denied the nomination she was so sure belonged to her. Junior's claim to be "a uniter not a divider" was never so true as it is now with his dismal ~30% approval rating.
During the 2004 Democratic National Convention, timid and browbeaten Democrats avoided criticizing Junior. Well, look where that got them (and us)! Enough with the nicey-nice. When you've got a pig like Junior down, you kick the living shit out of him!
You want victory in November, Democrats? Let's talk about gas prices and the tragedy of Iraq! Rage about the lies that were put forth to sell the war! Talk about illegal wire-taps and torture at Gitmo! Remember how Junior oversaw the drowning of a major American city and the crumbling of our national infrastructure! Talk about how the Republicans took us from a budget surplus to financial ruin in 8 years!
And don't forget mad Johnny. Ask people if they want four more years of this national nightmare. Point up the fact that mad Johnny gave Junior hugs and kisses even after Karl Rove spread ugly rumors about his wife and child in the 2000 South Carolina Republican primary. Start talking about McCain's rabid hatred of "gooks" (that's his word, mind you). Remind everyone about his cruel sense of humor and his uncontrollable temper.
I am sick to death of Democrats playing nice. You can be sure that the Republicans, who have nothing to offer but fear and hatred, will come out swinging. So, for God's sake, Democrats, throw the first punch. And throw it hard!
I agree the way to motivate democrats is to point out the evil of the enemy, but democrats are already going to vote for Obama, and there aren't enough democrats to win the election. The people who the election is about is the 10% of the people in the middle, the guys that picked Bush over Kerry because Kerry was a whiny, intellectual, elite lefty.
ReplyDeleteHitting the republicans with everything there is handy will seem to the middle group about the same as a Mike Huckerbee speach seems to the middle, frighteningly extreme.
The GOPers have made it clear that they will continue with what has worked for them in the past: Attack, attack, attack. It appears that it has helped McCain close the gap in the polls, yet again. And this even with the Obama campaign doing much more to respond to the attacks -- and bring their own version to the dance -- than the Dems did the last two elections.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day, it appears that Americans have very short memories, and they do need to be reminded about what 8 years of GOP control of the executive branch has done.
ReplyDeleteGood piece on the dirty warriors and their Denver invasion.
I have to give Hillary kudos. She put on a great show, supporting Obama, the party, and the nation.
ReplyDeleteAND taking a bit of a bite out of McCain and the GOP.
I have to give Hillary kudos. She put on a great show, supporting Obama, the party, and the nation.
ReplyDeleteAND taking a bit of a bite out of McCain and the GOP.