Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ring in the new: Hello, 2008

Today, our beautiful blue marble has completed another revolution on the way to universal entropy. And here we are, sailing through the cosmos, oblivious in our one-dimensional perception of time, and blithely unaware of our part in the Larger Scheme of Things. Welcome, 2008.

I'm hopeful that, in the world generally, but especially here in the United States, awareness is growing that there is a commonality among human beings, that cultural and religious divisions are less significant than are the basic human need for food, shelter, and love. Yes, love.

Sometimes I have to remind myself not to give up hope. Historically, humanity has relapsed many times into darkness. Bloodshed, cruelty, and ignorance have fed the beast that resides within all of us. And it may be that the beast will bring about our ultimate demise.

But today, we've made one more circuit of the solar orbit and, although I haven't checked the headlines this morning, it appears that Ragnarok has not come to pass.

And, who knows? Maybe, if we have ears to listen, there is a teacher among us who can lead us forward to a better world.

Thrown like a star in my vast sleep,
I opened my eyes to take a peek,
To find that I was by the sea,
Gazing with tranquility,
'Twas then when the hurdy gurdy man came singing songs of love,
Then when the hurdy gurdy man came singing songs of love;

Histories of ages past,
Unenlightened shadows cast
Down through all eternity,
The crying of humanity
'Tis then when the hurdy gurdy man comes singing songs of love,
Then when the hurdy gurdy man comes singing songs of love; --Donovan

Happy New Year, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. omigod! i loved this song as a kid, but never really got the lyrics.

    it's my new religion.


Say what you will.